Transforming grid reliability.

Transforming grid reliability.

Laki Power’s monitoring systems enable real-time fault detection, providing immediate insights into the causes of power line outages to ensure swift and effective response.

Detect and learn in what conditions fault happen.

Monitoring systems gather images of the conductor in high detail with video capture streaming during critical events. On-board weather sensors give insights into what the conditions were at the line location and line-sensors show how the conductor behaves in these conditions.

Get notified when conditions arise that increase risk of faults.

Using Laki's event system, users can define their own criteria on when to receive alerts. For example, if wind speeds exceed a threshold we know there is higher risk of conductor slapping.

Take action to mitigate fault during pre-determined conditions.

Using data and images can help determine if actions need to be taken to minimize damages and prevent outages for longer periods of time.

First, install the Laki's monitoring system.

The montoring system autonomously starts streaming images, weather data and line data in real-time. Providing clear insights into the conditions at the conductor.

System monitors line health and surroundings.

When a fault occurs, like a flashover, on-board current sensors detect and analyze spikes in the current, and provide directional location of the fault.

Gain better insights with system wide coverage.

System wide integration narrows the search are for locating faults in the grid.

Why utilities choose Laki Power

Complete grid monitoring unit.

Discover LKX-MULTI

Complete grid monitoring unit.

Discover LKX-MULTI

Complete grid monitoring unit.

Discover LKX-MULTI

Complete grid monitoring unit.

Discover LKX-MULTI

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